Sunday, July 29, 2012


Here are a few more points for your consideration from someone who has DONE it!  Why Not you too?  I'm doing it... and so many other people I know are too... Create YOUR OWN ECONOMY AND LIFE QUICKLY AND RELATIVELY EASILY...W/TEAMWORK!

There's a Top 10 list to consider before you join the Doctors and a Top 10 list one discovers AFTER you've been a partner.  Now that I've been working in network marketing for 30 months, I've seen things, I've done things and you might not believe them... afterall, this is not a traditional path.  But these challenging times call for a new strategy and hey, I'm nothing if not adaptable!
Here's the low-down ala Letterman style.. 

#10)   Zero start-up time... instant business with turn-key marketing, R+D and support. The FREE training in this business will make everything else you do in life even better... 
#9)      Anyone can do this...What I mean by that is anyone can do this...It's so turn-key that all you really have to do is just want your dreams to come true badly enough.  Do you?
#8)     Made my marriage great. We've always lead seperate careers, Arnie and I. But now that we're power partners, life is good, - as in never been better.
#7)     Free Lexus 350 RX [does that need further explanation?]
#6)    Total freedom to spend each of the 365 days a year exactly how I want to. I live life on my own terms. I call the shots, there is no boss, and every day feels like a vacation.  It takes some getting used to... NOT!
#5)    Empowerment for the kids...  I work at home, so Macy and Ryan see all and know all.Because of Rodan + Fields, they view me as an entrepreneur and not an employee or consultant on the time clock. They see me at my best, helping others, learning new things, reaching my goals and it inspires them, inspires me, inspires us all.
#4)    Can't beat the money.  I don't know how else to say it, Rodan + Fields delivers an incredible income. I've always been paid on a scale, not on my effort.  When I get paid on effort, the sky's the limit. I've been asking myself, why the hell didn't I do this years ago?  The answer to that is in the Top 10 picture above.... there was not a perfect storm before this.
#3)    Customer love is real and rewarding.  It's so amazing to offer products that customers love, that change people's skin, change their lives.  Almost every day, someone who buys from me gives me glowing feedback about how good their skin looks.  A recent favorite is... "My husband notices nothing, not my hair, my clothes, my cooking... but the other day he said, 'Are you doing something to your skin?'"  Gotta love that. 
#2)  Set for life.  If someone would have told me three years ago that I'd be retired at 50, I would have laughed and asked what they were smoking.  But it's true.  This is a 3-5 year plan and we're working our plan to be set for life. I'm working hard, but it feels like play.  Sounds strange even saying it...but it's a reality I'm going to have to learn to live with... come travel and enjoy life with us!
And the #1 reason to consider Rodan + a change agent for others and become a better version of yourself.  It's that simple.
p.s. ... and to never work for someone again ever in my life... 

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