Friday, June 8, 2012

Richard St. John's TED Words..."8 Secrets of Success"

Success means something different to all of us.  Consistently across the board, success seems to be measured by the accrual of money, power or both.  We clamor for it... we pay thousands of dollars to hear the 'magic words' that are promised to lead us to our own personal successes. 

As we age, these promises become more intensified and important as we - most of us, think that we could have done better, been more, compiled more, risen higher... than we have.  Every single day is one day less to attain elusive success.

TED is a collection of some of our times finest minds and successful individuals.  There are biannual gatherings that come by invitiation only and at a prohibitive price for the average person.  It is $10,000 to attend a 3 day event - which fills to beyond capacity... and I will remind you once more, it is by invitation only.

I have obtained a copy of Richard St. John's presentation for you to listen to and watch.  It is short but timely and also inspiring and accurate.  As I recollect the highly successful people that I know - along with their trajectory to the top of their 'games,' none reflect more accurately or suitably than our own Sarah Robbins, who I personally watched employ these methods.  She has been telling me for two years now - to BE RELENTLESS.  I am.  I hope that you find this works for you too.  Sending you the best wishes that I can... Here's to YOU!

~Natalia Budilo

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